Merry Christmas

Dear Fusion Family.

First off I want to send out a Very Merry Christmas greeting to you! As I write this a snow storm is blowing in and it looks like we will have a White Christmas! This past week I caught myself saying, "It sure doesn't feel like Christmas this year." Maybe you have said that yourself as well. But I want to challenge that statement. And hopefully my heart as well as your heart will be full of the Christmas wonder once again.

Christmas. What is it. Why do we celebrate?

Jesus - the savior of us all was brought into this world in a messy (giving birth isn't clean) and crazy chaotic way! In a stable, surrounded by animals. You've seen the nativity...

It was in a time of conflict, a time of confusion, a time of governments causing trouble... sound familiar.

I'm sure Mary and Joseph were so excited to have a baby. But scared out of their minds! This is the reality of Christmas. It was messy, dirty, joyful, chaotic, scary, and exhausting. (sound familiar)

Our Christmas this year may be stripped down to the bare essential. But maybe that's not a bad thing. Maybe THIS year....think about a way to celebrate the messy, chaotic, confusing and exhausting year that we have had. I'm guessing something good has come from this year! You know there was - even if you have to dig deep to think of it.

Oh and by the way, Jesus never promised us that our lives lived as followers of HIm to be easy, comfortable or fact he said it would be quite the opposite. So, the wonder of Christmas isn't in the twinkle lights and the wrapped presents under the tree or the plate of cookies on your counter. It is in the raw beauty and awe of a savior born amidst the chaos and confusion of this world.

Celebrate the savior, not the feelings.


2020 Fusion Highlights


The Tunnel