ELEMENT: 6th-8th Grade Confirmation Ministry

Wednesdays 6-7:30pm at First Lutheran

Element is a joining of Confirmation and Jr High Fusion Youth: the best of both worlds.  Learning the elements of your faith in a fun and engaging space!  This has been a collaboration between the pastors of Faith Lutheran, First Lutheran, Trinity Lutheran, Federated and St. Johns/Kongsvinger of Donnelly, Heather Black (Fusion Youth Ministry Director) and with the blessing of the various church councils!

Our goal is to teach the 6th-8th graders to learn and experience the elements of a Christian life.  To believe, know and experience God, connect with others, serve others in love and live out our faith daily!

It’s time to gather and learn about Character & Influencers.

In 2023-24 we will be using the curriculum by LeaderTreks specifically written for 6th-8th graders called Herd: we will study Fruits of the Spirit & Character Influencers!! The Bible provides a handy list for us—the fruit of the Spirit—that describes the kind of character God wants us to embody. Throughout these lessons, students will be challenged to not just learn about these traits but apply them to their everyday lives through the help of the Holy Spirit.  Also, through the examples of several biblical characters, students will see the importance of living life in a way that honors and glorifies God. Each of the people they will study used their influence to point others to Christ, even if it was hard. Students will be challenged to consider how they are living and if they are influencing those around them toward God.

Here are the details!

WED NIGHT SCHEDULE: 6pm-7:30 on Wednesday evenings @First Lutheran (may be at an alternate location as well)

SMALL GROUP MINISTRY MODEL: We will meet in as a large group, but will mostly spend time in smaller groups.  Christianity is a relational faith.  We have a relationship with God and with each other.  These small groups help to foster that relationship with God and each other.  This will be based on grade and gender this year.


We are here to learn the elements of a Christian life

Believe, Know and Experience God– Connect With Others – Serve Others in Love – Live Out Faith Daily